Mother's Day Mini Sessions at the Botanical Gardens

The M Family

Upon moving to the UK, the first person I ever met was A. We first met through an online Facebook group (that funnily, neither of us are really part of any more) and that led to an in person meeting at a cafe in the heart of London. Since that first meeting, I’ve had the pleasure to photograph her pregnancy and her daughter around 1 month.

Both A and J are remarkable parents, though I’ve spent more time with A and watching her with F. I love the way that they are raising their daughter. To be curious, kind, and nothing else than her. Recently, A wrote an open letter to her daughter which I thought was beautiful and am sharing the link here with you to read too.

I can imagine (not having children myself) how scary it is to be responsible for a young person. To wonder if you’re doing it right, if they’ll grow up okay, if they’ll feel safe to be whoever it is they choose to be. I don’t imagine parenting to be easy. When I see families like A, J, and F together, I see so so so much love.

I am so grateful that this relationship of ours has become a friendship. Grateful that A put together that first ever Christmas swap back in 2016 where we traded skills.

Looking for a photographer?

If you’re interested in booking a family photo session with me, head on over to my contact page. If you want a little bit more information about the sessions, head to this page here.

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3 Responses

  1. The first person?! I feel so honored! I’ve loved watching you settle into life in the UK <3 And, even more, growing our friendship!!

    Florence's expression in that last photo is everything!!

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